Sunday, April 26, 2009

Boys and "Girls"

OK... I've been hemming and hawing about even including this post, but it cracked me up and someday I will look back on this and laugh so here it goes....

Last week, the four of us were sitting around the dinner table shooting the breeze and eating our meal. You just never know what topic might come up at our dining room table these days. We usually talk about what the boys did at recess or what crazy things have been happening at work lately. But this particular night was a little different.

Somehow we got on the subject of words and meanings. I can't for the life of me remember why but that is how this how thing starts.

Connor started talking about onomatopoeia's and was trying to explain to the boys just what an onomatopoeia was. In case you need a refresher, they are words that sound much like the word they represent. To get Connor's point across he chose a few words as examples. "Drip sounds like a drip of water..." "Bubble sounds like a bubbling pot of water..." etc, etc, etc...

This is when my pre-teen throws out his own version. Mind you, he has just finished the health unit at school that talks about the birds and the bees... "Oh, you mean like boob?, not only does it sound funny, it even looks like the word it represents...round and curvy." I shudder to include that I think he even cupped his hands to make sure we all understood what he was saying.

This is when my jaw dropped and Connor busted out laughing. I think Nolan even had to keep from spewing his food from laughter. This is when a proper mom would have squelched this inappropriate discussion and moved on to another topic, but not me...all I did was laugh 'til I had tears coming out of my eyes.

Sadly, this isn't the first time mammaries have had a post dedicated to them. I just find it a little odd that my little boys have been the instigators (even without knowing it) of all posts about the "girls". Should I be worried? Is this normal? I suppose it is. Although, I certainly don't remember my brothers talking about such things at the dinner table.


PRP said...

CRACK ME UP! I mean, he's got a point after all....

Love that kid!

Connor said...

Ok... I'm a little slow. I just got the "girls" in quotation marks joke in the title of your post, and I'm cracking up!