Friday, January 25, 2008

Watch out Orlando...Here we come.

It's finally here.

The vacation we've been waiting for for quite some time. We thought about this trip probably over two years ago... While the boys were deep in the thralls of learning TaeKwonDo we told them if they stick with their lessons and reach their goals of becoming black belts we would celebrate by taking a family vacation to Disney World. Those boys have worked really hard at reaching their goal. It took about three and a half years of sweat and dedication but they did it! I feel a little guilty for getting to go along on this trip as I didn't sweat once to deserve this vacation. I guess I did a lot of driving, belt tying, and bill paying to reach this point.

We are stoked about just being together and having a grand old time. Disney is such a wonderful place. You can't help but feel happy just being inside the park. We are such huge fans of Disneyland, so we are jazzed about seeing what Disney World has to offer.

So, goodbye, Au Revoir, Caio, aloha, etc....

1 comment:

PRP said...

Alright already! You're home so hurry up and give us the recap with lots of pictures!!!