Friday, January 28, 2011

Double Duty Apron

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know how much I get a kick out of my dear friend, Karen. We've been friends for 32 years now and we share quite a history together. Last week she shared a little tidbit of information on her blog that cracked me up and took me back to my childhood. It's pretty funny and "grody" at the same time and you need to read her blog entry before reading any further.... Really, you do.








Well, after reading that post and wiping away the tears of laughter my hubs and I had a moment of inspiration. Connor was minorly disgusted but majorly amused by what she shared and wanted to create a little something for our wonderful friend.




It all started with a trip to the store to purchase an apron and a couple of dish towels.






Then I got busy with my sweet sewing machine.



To create a little number that Karen could wear with pride to help aid in the drying and cleaning of goblets of her own. :)

It's says "You wash... I'll dry"

and has strategically placed dish towels sewn onto the front of the apron.




We agonized over what shape the towels "patches" should be and resigned to leaving them square instead of round to keep it a subtle inside joke. After all, we don't want Karen to be embarrassed while wearing such a lovely fashion statement.



Of course, It's all in the name of fun. I love a good practical joke and I know Karen does too.

Here's to happy days filled with drying/dusting in Karen's future!

1 comment:

PRP said...

I will have you know that I put that apron on yesterday morning and kept it on ALL DAY LONG. I love it so much. You know how much I love aprons in general and this one, well, it takes the cake. LOVE IT.

Thank you so much for making me laugh and knowing me all too well. You're the best!