Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Don't say it enough...

Thanks Connor!
Thanks for asking me out a million moons ago...
Thanks for winning a bet that brought you to my house...
Thanks for wanting to spend all eternity with moi...
Thanks for having such a handsome smile...
Thanks for opening my eyes to how beautiful this world really is...
Thanks for being so witty...
Thanks for keeping me in stitches just about every day...
Thanks for making it possible for me to stay home most days with our boys...
Thanks for being so gosh darned smart...
Thanks for being my sidekick in the backyard as we garden the hours away...
Thanks for being so supportive of me and whatever ventures I choose to do...
Thanks for making our family so much fun...
Thanks for showing our boys what a happy home consists of...
Thanks for teaching the boys how to be safe...
Thanks for always making me feel loved and attractive...
Thanks for taking time to show you care...
Thanks for not minding my endless need to re-decorate...
Thanks for not bolting when I get a little crazy...
Thanks for cooking up the best bacon ever cooked...
Thanks for having amazing taste in music...
Thanks for making me proud every single day...
Thanks for loving me from the top of my head to my ankles... :)
Thanks for not making fun of me when I sing...
Thanks for joining me in parenting the best two kids ever...
Thanks for rubbing my feet after a long days work, even when they stink...
Thanks for taking such good care of yourself...
Thanks for being so good at fixing things around the house...
Thanks for laughing at my kookiness...
Thanks for sharing a love of travel...
Thanks for loving my family as if they were your own...
Thanks for this ongoing and exciting journey...
Thanks for being my best friend...
Thanks for being YOU!
I love you.

1 comment:

PRP said...

Man, someone's getting lucky tonight...

Connor really is all those things. I'm so glad you two found each other because you deserve the BEST!